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3 Reasons to Fertilize Your Ada, MI Commercial Lawn

3 Reasons to Fertilize Your Ada, MI Commercial Lawn

Not only does routine fertilization keep your lawn looking green and full, but it also promotes its health in the long term. Fertilization is especially important on commercial properties, as these areas tend to be bigger and receive heavier traffic.

Here at Turf Tech Fertilization, we apply six fertilization treatments throughout the year to your commercial lawn. We serve the lawns of businesses located in and around Cascade, Ada, and Lowell, MI. We developed this fertilization schedule to best cater to your commercial lawn.

Your business has a lot of expenses, but don't make lawn restoration services one of them. Check out these three reasons you should recruit professional fertilizations for your commercial lawn in Ada, MI.

1. Fertilizer helps new grass achieve optimal growth.

If your commercial lawn has been recently established, whether through overseeding or new sod, regular fertilization will be incredibly beneficial. Fertilization treatments will help your new grass achieve optimal growth. Our fertilization schedule helps your Ada lawn grow healthily and quickly, which is essential to the long-term success of your commercial grass.

Our fertilization company offers a Happiness Guarantee for every fertilization project. This means that if your lawn doesn't grow green and lush after our treatments are applied, we will revisit your property and develop a new plan of action.

2. Fertilizer replenishes lost nutrients in...

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