Bright green lawn with fertilization and weed control treatments in Cascade, MI.

Comprehensive Lawn Care Services in Cascade, MI & Surrounding Areas

With fertilization, weed control, aeration, and grub control, we work to ensure your lawn in Cascade, MI stays in peak condition.

Get Quote Call (616) 425-7500

Expert lawn care company treating properties in Cascade, MI, and the surrounding communities.

We offer a six-step lawn care program to boost your lawn's health throughout the year.

Right along the Thornapple River, the township of Cascade, MI is a beautiful area with many homes and businesses throughout. In the area, there are six public parks and 17 miles of pathways that encourage residents to spend time enjoying the outdoors.

Throughout the Cascade area, our expert lawn care company treats residential and commercial properties with a six-step lawn care program including fertilization and weed control that work to boost your lawn's health during the year.

Our Six-Step Lawn Care Program Is Administered from Early Spring to Late Fall

Lawn fertilization treatment being applied to a Cascade, MI property.

Beginning in early spring, we treat your lawn with a pre-emergent weed control application for crabgrass. In late spring, a slow-release fertilizer and weed control treatment is administered. Other steps include:

  • Early Summer, Late Summer & Early Fall: Slow-release fertilizer and weed control
  • Late Fall: An application of winterizer fertilizer

This six-step lawn care program ensures that your grass and soil get all the nutrients needed to successfully make it through the growing season and beyond. Our fertilizers provide your lawn with nitrogen and potassium, while weed control helps eliminate problem weeds such as dandelions, clovers, crabgrass, and more. Learn more about our fertilizer and weed control applications:

Core Aeration & Grub Control Help Increase Your Lawn's Health

Lawn core aeration performed on a Cascade, MI property.

When it comes to the health of your lawn, there are other services required to keep it in good condition. A common threat to lawns in our area is white grubs. These beetle larvae will hatch in late summer and voraciously attack the roots of your lawn, killing it quickly. To prevent this, we provide a preventative grub control treatment in early summer. This treatment should stop them before they even hatch, allowing your grass to continue to be healthy and happy.

To further increase your lawn's health, consider using our core aeration services. We offer this service in both the spring and fall. Core aeration removes tiny plugs of soil from your lawn, relieving soil compaction and allowing key nutrients to reach to the roots of your grass. All lawns will benefit from this service, but particularly ones that see a lot of heavy foot traffic throughout the year. It also helps to prepare your lawn for winter dormancy.

Do you need a healthier lawn at your residential or commercial property in or near Cascade, MI? Contact us today.

If you're looking for an experienced and knowledgeable lawn care company to help make your lawn healthier, then you need to contact the pros at Turf Tech Fertilization. We work with residential and commercial properties throughout the Cascade, MI area to provide quality lawn care services. Contact us today at (616) 425-7500 to learn more or to set up an estimate!

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