Grub living in a lawn near Ada, MI.

Grub Control Treatments in Ada, Lowell, & Cascade, MI & Surrounding Areas

Preventative grub control treatments promote the health of your residential lawn by stopping grub invasions before they start.

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Grub control treatment services in Cascade, Lowell, Ada, and the surrounding areas.

We keep your grass healthy through our comprehensive grub control treatment services.

Even with the proper care and maintenance, your lawn may fall victim to grub infestation. To prevent these creatures from completely killing your lawn, our team offers comprehensive grub control treatment services for clients in Cascade, Lowell, Ada, and the surrounding areas. Through our quality applications, we keep your grass healthy and free of these pesky creatures.

When Do We Apply Grub Control Treatments to Your Lawn?

Grub control treatment applied to soil near East Grand Rapids, MI.

In MI, grubs are most likely to infiltrate your lawn in the summer. We apply our grub control treatments to your lawn in early summer. This way, you will notice the most effective results and we can stop the grubs from attacking before they even start.

Typically, grubs begin hatching in mid to late summer and will immediately begin consuming your grass roots, working just a few inches below the surface to destroy your lawn.

Why You Should Keep Grubs Out of Your Lawn

if you've noticed grubs in your yard but are unsure of the damage they can cause, we've provided you with some reasons why you should keep them out of your lawn.

Grubs can be harmful to your pets.

Technically, grubs can be safely consumed by humans and animals if they are in sterilized soil. However, most yards do not have sterile soil. If you utilize fertilizers, pesticides, or any other types of chemicals in your yard, your soil will not be sterile.

As grubs move through your yard, they ingest the soil that's around them. In addition to fertilizers and pesticides, some other harmful substances that may be present in your soil include:

  • Fungi
  • Bacteria
  • The eggs of parasitic roundworms

Curious pets who consume grubs can suffer health consequences. In less severe cases, they may display symptoms like an upset stomach for a few days. In more serious cases, pets who ingest grubs may become infected with parasites.

If you allow your pets to roam your lawn, you should definitely consider enlisting the help of a grub control treatment company like us. The short- and long-term health of your pets may suffer if you allow grubs to stick around your lawn.

Grubs can harm your lawn.

Grubs tend to eat away at your grass's roots, which is bad news for your lawn. Brown patches and a spongy surface could indicate the presence of grubs in your lawn. Through our grub control treatment services, we can prepare your lawn for summer growth and keep these bugs at bay.

If you suspect you may have grubs in your lawn, call our grub control company today.

Grubs can attract other pests like moles, raccoons, and more.

Pests such as raccoons and moles tend to feed on grubs and other undesirable insects. By allowing grubs to hang around your lawn, you are inviting in these destructive pests.

Moles can damage your yard through their tunneling habits. They will tear up your turf and dislodge crops, grass, and plants. Because of their underground burrowing habits, moles may inadvertently invite other pesky creatures like mice that can inflict even more damage on your yard.

Raccoons and other larger animals also consume grubs, which means your grass could be torn up even more as raccoons root around in the soil for their food. Prevent this damage to your lawn with a preventative grub control application.

Get in touch for grub control treatments for your lawn!

Our experienced team provides grub control treatments to those in areas like Cascade, Lowell, and Ada, MI. Get in touch with us today at (616) 425-7500 so we can restore the health of your lawn this summer.

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